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Landscape and wildlife

Sources of pictures and information about Suffolk landscape, wildlife and the natural environment.

Suffolk Roadside Nature Reserves project 

Alongside grass-cutting contractors, parish councils and volunteers we are caring for our species-rich plant areas and plants of national or county importance.

The aim of the project is to conserve species-rich plant areas and plants of national or county importance.

All Roadside Nature Reserves (RNR) are marked with white posts and plates indicating the direction of the protected stretch of roadside verge. These ensure cutting takes place at the appropriate times.

View Suffolk's Roadside Nature Reserves map and click on the icons for a link to the fact sheet about each RNR:

  • Red icons on the map mean the RNR is not safe to visit.
  • Green icons on the map mean the RNR can be visited, but care should always be taken at these sites. If you are visiting by car you will need to find a safe place to park, away from the RNR.
  • Blue icons on the map are newer and are yet to have a risk assessment.

Please note that some of these RNR sites are very dangerous, and are not safe to visit.

For more information, you can email